Community Servers

These rules apply to all of our community servers. Please respect the guidelines and follow them carefully.

  1. Play fair.

    • Do not cheat, grief, exploit bugs and glitches, or impersonate others.
    • Publicly disclosing that you are cheating, even if you aren't, is the same as cheating.
    • Purposely stalling the game, preventing opponents from entering the play area, excessively camping opponent spawns, and attempting to lag or crash a service are considered griefing.
    • Report bugs and glitches as soon as you discover them.
  2. Quality voice communication.

    • Usage of proper microphones that do not disrupt the experience of other players is required in the voice chat.
    • Music streaming through voice chat is allowed. Loud, earrape content is prohibited.
  3. Do not abuse /calladmin.

    • Calladmin should only be used when absolutely required.
    • Do not abuse the in-game voting system. (e.g., /votekick, /voteban) New
    • Sprays depicting pornographic, hate speech, real life gore, death, or abuse content are prohibited.